Approved Research and Education Permits

Education and Research Projects of the University of Akron Field Station at the Bath Nature Preserve

Education Permits

Fall 2024

Field Ecology Fall 2024. Randy Mitchell (Permit 2024-008)

Vert Zoo.  Fall 2024. Peter Niewarowski (Permit 2024-009)

Summer 2024

Dragonflies and damselflies of Northeastern Ohio. RJ Mitchell and J. Semroc (Permit 2024-007)

Spring 2024

Wetland Ecology Spring 2024. RJ Mitchell (Permit 2024-001)

ROTC. Spring 2024. North Fork. (Permit 2024-002)

Fall 2023

Entomology Fall 2023. RJ Mitchell (Permit 2023-009)

Mapping with Drones course. Fall 2023 S. Donnelly (Permit 2023-011)

Vert Zoo.  Fall 2023. Peter Niewarowski (Permit 2023-014)

Spring 2023

Restoration Ecology 2023 Spring. RJ Mitchell (Permit 2023-001)

UAV mapping (Donnelly (Geosciences); Permit 2023- 004. Renewal of Permit 2016-012). Fall 2016

Fall 2022

Flora and Taxonomy Fall 2022. RJ Mitchell (Permit 2022-003)

Vertebrate Zoology Fall 2022. PH Niewiarowski (Permit 2020-004- renewal of 2019-010)

Eliza Northrop Elementary. Fall 2022 Sara Dreibelbis  (Permit 2022-005)

Spring 2022

Wetland Ecology.  Spring 2022. RJ Mitchell (Permit 2022-001)

Capstone Marketing Class. Spring 2022. Gabriella Fennell Permit 2022-004

Fall 2021

Field Ecology Fall 2021. Randy Mitchell (Permit 2021-006)

Spring 2021

Herpetology Spring 2021. Austin Garner (Permit 2021-002)

UAS Surveying Spring 2021. Gary Schuller (Permit 2021-003)

Fall 2020

Flora and Taxonomy Fall 2020. RJ Mitchell (Permit 2020-007)

Vertebrate Zoology Fall 2020. A Garner and PH Niewiarowski (Permit 2020-008)

Surveying/Mapping. Fall 2020. PS Fenicle, G Schuller (Permit 2020-009)

Spring 2020

Wetland Ecology.  Spring 2020. RJ Mitchell (Permit 2020-001)

Fall 2019

Field Ecology (Mitchell; Permit 2019-008).  Fall 2019

High School Biology Water Quality Lab (Paige Reeher; Permit 2019-009). September 2019

Vertebrate Zoology (Austin Garner, UA Biology; Permit 2019-010). Fall 2019

Summer 2019

Field Botany (Mitchell; Permit 2019-005).  Summer 2019

Camp Bioscience.  Carrie Buo, UA Biology (Permit 2019-006).  8/5/19-8/9/19

Spring 2019

What’s in the Water? Hazel Barton, UA Biology (Permit 2018-016). April 9 2019

Restoration Ecology. RJ Mitchell, M Liptak, J Bingham (Permit 2019-001). Spring 2019

UAS Surveying (Gary Schuller, UA Surveying; 2019-002).  Renewal of Permit 2017-010 but expanded to include round top and with schedule adjusted as Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm and Wednesdays between 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm from March 12th through May 9th with up to 12 students per session.

Field/Lab Studies in Environmental Science – Wetlands (3370:451:401). John Beltz, UA Wayne. Permit 2019-004). May 24 2019

Fall 2018

Flora and Taxonomy. Ryan Trimbath, UA Biology (Permit 2018-015).Wednesdays Fall 2018.

Entomology.  Randy Mitchell, UA Biology (Permit 2018-014).  Fall 2018.

Vertebrate Zoology. Scott Thomas, UA Biology (Permit 2018-013).   Sept 10 thru Oct 1.

Camp Bioscience.  Carrie Buo, UA Biology (Permit 2018-012).   8/15/2018

Summer 2018

Wetland Ecology and Determination. John Beltz, UA Geosciences/Wayne.  Renewal of 2016-007. Permit 2018-008.  Summer 2018.

Spring 2018

Eng & Sci Tech (U of A)  Gary Schuler.  (Permit 2018-004). Renewal of 2018-010.

Wetland Ecology.  Spring 2018. RJ Mitchell and M Liptak (Permit 2018-003)

Fall 2017

Geomorphology (Dr. Ira Sasowsky, UA Geology, Permit 2007-015)

Vertebrate Zoology (Scott Thomas, UA Biology; Permit 2007-014).

Field Ecology (Randy Mitchell, UA Biology; Permit 2007-013).

Summer 2017

UAS Surveying (Gary Schuller, UA Surveying; Permit 2007-010).

Herpetology (Scott Thomas, UA; Permit 2017-009).  Summer 2017

Field/Lab in Environmental Science (John Beltz, UA Wayne; Permit 2017-008, renewal of permit 2016-007). Summer 2017

Spring 2017

STEM Students at Panzner (Teresa Cutright (Engineering) and Don Ott (Biology); Permit 2017-006- renewal of 2016-015).  Sept 2017

Natural Science Biology Laboratory – Macroinvertebrate collection (Paul Grubach, Deb Ammerman; Permit 2017-005). Spring 2017

UAS Surveying 2980:489 (Gary Schuller, UA Eng. & Science Technology; Permit 2017-001).  March 24-April 29 2017

Mycology (Hazel Barton; Permit 2017-003). Spring 2017

 Fall 2016

STEM Students at Panzner (Teresa Cutright (Engineering) and Don Ott (Biology); Permit 2016-015).  Sept 2016

Geomorphology Class at Tamarack Bog (Sasowsky; Permit 2016-014). Fall 2016

Entomology (Mitchell; Permit 2016-013). Fall 2016

Summer 2016

Spider Biology (Blackledge; Permit 2016-009).  Summer 2016

Field Botany (Mitchell; Permit 2016-008).  Summer 2016

Field/Lab in Environmental Science (F. Smith; Permit 2016-007). Summer 2017

Spring 2016

Advanced Ecology (Mitchell; Permit 2016-006) Spring 2016

Insect Field Science Adult Education (Gavin Svenson (CMNH); Permit 2016-005). Summer 2016

Plant Ecology (Rebecca Drenovsky (JCU); Permit 2016-004)  Fall 2016

Fall 2015

Environmental Science STEM High School (Akron Public School) macroinvertebrate sampling (Roketenetz; Permit 2015-012). Fall 2015

Vertebrate Zoology (Niewiarowski and Thomas; permit 2015-011 (renewal of 2014-010)). Fall 2015.

Environmental Law (Morath; Permit 2015-009). Fall 2015

Field Ecology (Mitchell; Permit 2015-008). Fall 2015

Archaeological Field Methods (Manahan (KSU); Permit 2015-007). Fall 2015

Plant Ecology (Rebecca Drenovsky (JCU); Permit 2015-005).  Fall 2015

Summer 2015

Regional Field Studies (Barrett; Permit 2015-006). Summer 2015

Field Lab Wetland and Biodiversity Sampling (Forrest Smith; Permit 2015-001)

Fall 2014

Vertebrate Zoology (Scott Thomas and Peter Niewiarowski; Permit 2014-010). Fall 2014

Archaeology Field School Class (Linda Whitman; Permit 2014-011). Intersession 2015

Environmental law (Sarah Morath; Permit 2014-012). October 2014

Entomology (Mitchell; permit 2014-013) Fall 2014

Flora and Taxonomy (Chris Chaney and Joel Duff; permit 2014-014). Fall 2014

Soil and Water Field Studies (Linda Barrett; Permit 2014-016) Fall 2014

Summer 2014

Field Botany (Mitchell; permit 2014-003). May-June 2014

Field Wetland Ecology (Mitchell (UA) and Hartman (Rutgers; permit 2014-004). June – July 2014

Herpetology (Scott Thomas and Paco Moore; permit 2014-005). June 2014

Spring 2014

Advanced Ecology (Mitchell; Permit 2014-002). Spring 2014

Fall 2013

Field Ecology (Mitchell; Permit 2013-007). Fall 2013

Vertebrate Zoology (Scott Thomas and Peter Niewiarowski; Permit 2013-008). Fall 2013

Field Research Methods (Linda Barrett; Geosciences; Permit 2013-009). Fall 2013

Wetland Ecology and Management (de Szalay-KSU; Permit 2013-010). Fall 2013

Summer 2013

Biology of Spiders (Blackledge; permit 2013-003). 20-May through 7 June 2013

Field Botany (Mitchell; permit 2013-004). May-June 2013

Herpetology (Scott Thomas and Paco Moore; permit 2013-005). June 12-12 2013

Spring 2013

Drawing 2 (Matthew Kolodziej, Art; permit 2013-001). April 5-May 5 2013

Mushroom Foray (Pauline Munk, Ohio Mushroom Society; permit 2013-002). June 22 2013

Fall 2012

All About Mushrooms Adult Workshop (Stacey Heffern, Conservancy for CVNP; permit 2012-002). Oct 20, 2012

Entomology (Mitchell; permit 2012-008) Fall 2012

Flora and Taxonomy (Duff; permit 2012-009). Fall 2012

Integrated Bioscience Techniques (Blackledge; permit 2012-010)

Soil and Water Field Studies (Barrett- GES; permit 2012-012). Fall 2012

Summer 2012

Field Botany (Mitchell; permit 2012-003). May-June 2012

Spring 2012

Advanced Ecology (Mitchell; permit 2012-001). Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Vertebrate Zoology (Niewiarowski; permit 2007-022; Renewed as 2011-013). Fall 2011.

Invertebrate Zoology (Weeks; permit 2011-014). Fall 2011

Field Ecology (Mitchell; permit 2011-015). Fall 2011

Freshwater Ecology (Lavrentyev; Permit 2011-017). Fall 2011

Art – Painting en plein aire. (Kolodziej, Permit 2011-018). Fall 2011

Summer 2011

Diversity and Natural History of Insects (Mitchell, Biology) permit 2011-004. Summer 2011.

Herpetology (Wain, with Bagatto), permit 2011-005). Observe and capture Reptiles and Amphibians, including turtle traps.  Summer 2011

Science Class Field Trip (Dunn, Oriana House). Permit 2011-009. Summer 2011. Nature Walks for high School students.

Introduction to Botany (Ott; Biology). Permit 2011-010. Study plants at the preserve. Summer 2010.

Soil and Water Field Studies (Barrett, Geography and Planning). Permit 2011-011. Summer 2011. Study soils and water at the preserve.

Spring 2011

Hydric Soils Education (Schumacher, Ohio EPA) permit 2011-001. April 5.

Field Botany Class (CCC; Teresa DiPietro). permit 2011-002. April 21 & 26. Collect  and study plants

Fall 2010

Art Mining at the Preserve (Webb, School of Art), permit 2010-015. Students will explore and artistically interpret small areas (18″ squares) of the preserve.  September 2010

Glacial Geology (Szabo, Geology). 2010-016. Geological samples to explore the glacial geology of the preserve.

Flora and Taxonomy (Duff, Biology) 2010-017. Plant collections for class use.

Introduction to Phycology (Ott, Biology) 2010-018. Collections in garden pond

Summer 2010

Herpetology (Wain, with Moore), permit 2010-008). Observe and capture Reptiles and Amphibians, including turtle traps.  Summer 2010

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2010-011). Study plants at the preserve. Summer 2010.

Spring 2010

Soil and Water Field Studies (Barrett, Geography 495/595, Permit 2010-005). Soil samples, mostly in Grandview alley. Spring 2010.

CVEEC intern fish sampling (Londraville; Permit 2010-007); Spring 2010. Non-destructive sampling of fish from North Fork.

Fall 2009

Mycology (Pan; permit 2009-010). Collect and study fungus plants at the preserve. Fall 2009.

Invertebrate Zoology (Weeks; permit 2009-011). Fall 2009.

Field Ecology (Mitchell; permit 2009-012). Fall 2009.

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2009-015). Study plants at the preserve. Fall 2009.

Research Techniques in Integrated Bioscience (Londraville; permit 2009-00160). Fall 2009

Plant Ecology (McCall – Denison University; Permit 2009-0017). Study garlic Mustard and associated insects as part of a national survey. Fall 2009.

Summer 2009

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2009-005). Study plants at the preserve. Summer 2009.

General Ecology (Mitchell:  permit 2009-006). Walk on trails (one day) to study ecological interactions. Summer 2009.

Diversity of Plants and Insects (Mitchell; permit 2009-007). Collect plants and insects at the preserve. Summer 2009.

Archaeology Field School and Archaeogeophysical survey (Whitman   permit 2009-008). Summer 2009, at Panzner

Archaeology Field School (Whitman.  permit 2009-009). Preparation for 2010 class at steiner woods.

Herpetology (Langford (with Moore), permit 2009-013). Observe and capture Reptiles and Amphibians.  Summer 2009

Summer 2008

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2008-009). Study plants at the preserve. Summer 2008.

General Ecology (Mitchell:  permit 2007-010). Walk on trails (one day) to study ecological interactions. Summer 2008.

Spring 2008

Soil and Water Field Studies– Geography (Barrett; permit 2008-001). Spring 2008.

Archaeology Field School – Archaeogeophysical survey. Whitman and Matney  permit 2008-002)

Diversity of Plants (Pan and Ott; Permit 2008-003). Spring 2008

Ichythology and CVEEC interns (Londraville; Permit 2008-004); Spring 2008. Non-destructive sampling of fish from North Fork.

Soil and Water Field Studies part 2– Geography (Barrett; permit 2008-005). Spring 2008.. Wetland soils survey

Fall 2007

Research Techniques in Integrated Bioscience (Londraville; permit 2007-023). Fall 2007.

Field Ecology (Mitchell; permit 2007-019). Fall 2007.

Invertebrate Zoology (Weeks; permit 2007-020). Fall 2007.

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2007-021). Fall 2007.

Vertebrate Zoology (Niewiarowski; permit 2007-022). Fall 2007.

Summer 2007

Archaeology Field School 3240:450 – 402 Permit 2007-012. This project is a continuation of archaeological research being conducted at the Bath Nature Preserve. The goal of the field school is to teach scientific archaeological excavation methods and techniques to interested students while continuing my research at the Preserve. Dr. Linda Whitman. June 2007.

General Ecology (Mitchell:  permit 2007-016). Walk on trails (one day) to study ecological interactions. Summer 2007.

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2007-017). Study plants at the preserve. Summer 2007.

Spring 2007

Flora and Taxonomy(Mitchell; permit 2007-002). Identifying plants of the preserve. Spring 2007.

Biology of Behavior (lab). (Blackledge; permit 2007-003). Observe birds feeding near Martin Field Center. Spring 2007

Ichythology and CVEEC interns (Londraville; Permit 2007-004); Spring 2007. Non-destructive sampling of fish from North Fork.

Ornithology (Smith; Permit 2007-005). Observe birds throughout the preserve.

Educational Technology (Forawi; permit 2007-006). Habitat sampling (4 days in April)

Archaeological Geophysics (Park, Matney, Barrett. Permit 2007-007; Depts. of Geology, Classical Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology, and Geography and Planning; University of Akron). Class will conduct non-invasive subsurface geophysical survey at Big top, Garden Pond, and Round top.

Fall 2006

Entomology (Blackledge; permit 2006-012). Studying insects of the preserve. Fall 2006.

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2006-014). Study plants at the Preserve. Fall 2006.

Summer 2006

Scientific Knowledge (Forawi; permit 2006-005). Habitat sampling (2 days in June)

Ichthyology (Londraville. Permit 2006-007) Service-learning for Bath Watershed Committee- survey fish in Bath Creek as a ‘before’ view in preparation for pending renovation of the stream. . Summer 2006

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2006-008). Study plants at the preserve. Summer 2006.

Herpetology (Moore, permit 2006-010). Observe and capture Reptiles and Amphibians. Captured animals will be released after identification and momentary class observation. Summer 2006

General Ecology (Mitchell:  permit 2006-011). Walk on trails (one day) to study ecological interactions at the Preserve. Summer 2006.

Spring 2006

Behavior (Blackledge, Permit 2006-001); Spring 2006. Observe bird feeding at Field Station.

Ichthyology and CVEEC interns (Londraville; Permit 2006-002); Spring 2006. Non-destructive sampling of fish from North Fork and Garden Pond.

Bird Mobbing behavior – Independent Field Experience for Behavior students (Jamie Baker, Emily Bechdel, Jessica Garretson, and Kelly Granath;  Blackledge supervisor, Permit 2006-003). Spring 2006

Educational Technology (Forawi; permit 2006-004). Habitat sampling (2 days in April)

Fall 2005

Phycology (Ott; permit 2005-011). Fall 2005

Vertebrate Zoology (Niewiarowski; permit 2005-010). Fall 2005

Field Ecology (Mitchell; permit 2005-009). Fall 2005

Summer 2005

Introduction to Botany (Ott; permit 2005-007). May 2005

Spring 2005

CVEEC Interns – Fish (Londraville; Permit 2005-008; May 2005.

Conservation Biology (Mitchell; permit 2005-001). Biotic surveys of potential oil-well drilling sites. 2-3 days in February and April

Educational Technology (Forawi; permit 2005-002). Habitat sampling (3 days in April)

Fall  2004

General Entomology (Mitchell; permit 2004-001)

Mycology (Ott; permit 2004-002)

Vertebrate Zoology (Niewiarowski; permit 2004-003)

Summer  2004

CVEEC Interns (Londraville; May and June 2004, one day each)

Elementary School Class visit to Bluebird boxes (Napper and Mitchell; one day)

Archaeology Field School Excavation at Garden Pond near the trails to look for Native American artifacts (Dr. Linda Whitman, UA). 2004-2007.

Stream Sampling Muehlstein Academy Students in the North Fork.  (Lauren Smith, graduate student in Biology, UA will work with Muehlstein Academy High School Students; supervised by Dr. Claire Oberst, Education UA). June-August 2004

Plant and animal Identification (Lauren Smith, graduate student in Biology, UA will work with Muehlstein Academy High School Students; supervised by Dr. Claire Oberst, Education UA). June-August 2004

Spring 2004

Instructional Techniques in Secondary Science (Forawi; Education)

Field Ecology (Mitchell, Niewiarowski). Salamanders and pollination biology.

Archaeogeophysical Surveying and Mapping (Park, Matney, Barrett; Depts. of Geology, Classical Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology, and Geography and Planning; University of Akron).  Permit 1-Grid Square,  Permit 2 – check reported archaeology sites.

Fall 2003

Ichthyology (Londraville)

Invertebrate Zoology (Weeks)

Phycology (Ott)

Vertebrate Zoology (Niewiarowski)

Field Course (Loveless; College of Wooster)

Spring 2003

Instructional Techniques in Secondary Science (Forawi; Education)

Fall 2002

Wetland Ecology (Fraser)

Mycology (Ott)

Vertebrate Zoology (Niewiarowski)

Ichthyology for CVEEC Interns (Londraville)

Spring 2002

Field Ecology (Mitchell, Fraser, Niewiarowski, Weeks)

Ornithology  (Orcutt)


Research Permits (with notes on where they are and what you may see there)

Summer 2024

Renewal of Permit 2023-007 (Katherine Karkosiak. Spider egg sac research. for 2024).  Permit 2024-005

Assessment and comparison of the effects of two exotic Anthidium species on Ohio bee foraging. Morgan Hughes. Summer 2024. Permit 2024-006.

Spring 2024

Water quality Honors research. Rachel Burns (Permit 2024-003)

Using Sedimentary DNA to uncover the history of Amphibian-Bd dynamics in Northwestern Pennsylvania. 2024. Brandon Hoenig, University of Pittsburgh. (Permit 2024-004)

Spring 2023

Turtle Survey. Summer 2023. (Permit 2023-008)

Seep Flora. Kathleen O’Brien, Randy Mitchell. Aug 2023-Dec 2024. (Permit 2023-010)

Acorn Ants. Rich Londraville. Aug 2023-Aug 2024. (Permit 2023-012)

Topographic and Bathymetric survey of BNP. Fall 2023. (Permit 2023-013)

Spring 2023

Seed Collection. Julie Slater. 2023-2025.  Permit 2023-002

Conservation genomics and causes of mito‐nuclear discordance in trilling chorus frogs (Pseudacris triseriata and P. maculata) in Canada. Ying Chen, Queen’s University. Permit 2023-003

Renewal of a spider collecting permit  for Bernd Steklis, U. Akron. Spring-Fall 2023 Permit 2023-005.

Habitat Modeling of narrowleaf leeks (Allium burdickii) in North Central Appalachia. Ezra Houston, Penn State. 4/21/23 ‐ 6/21/23 Permit 2023-006

Katherine Karkosiak.    Spider egg sac research. April-October 2023. Permit 2023-007

Spring 2022

Spider collecting and research. Bernd Steklis, U. Akron . Spring-Fall 2022. Permit 2022-002

Fall 2021

Validation of VIS-NIR spectroscopy to measure soil organic carbon. Permit 2021-007.  Lamalani Suarez. Fall 2021

Summer 2021

Renewal of Permit 2007-015 and unnumbered permit from summer 2004; RJ Mitchell Plant-pollinator interactions at the Bath Nature Preserve Through Summer 2025.

Egg sac properties – spider research by Katherine Karkosiak, Blackledge lab (Permit 2021-005).  June-September 2021

Spider Web vibrational properties. Alissa Coonfield, Blackledge lab (Permit 2021-006). July-October 2021.

Spring 2021

Interspecific competition and character displacement in terrestrial salamanders (Plethodon). Rick Lehtinen, College of Wooster. Spring-Winter 2021. Permit 2021-001

VIS-VIR spectroscopy validation for soil carbon measurements. Lamalani Suarez, UA Spring 2021. Permit 2021-004 Extended through Fall 2021 (As of June 2021)

Fall 2020

Aerial observation using moored balloon of the lake and terrain. Fall 2020-Spring 2021. John and Vijay Anand. Permit 2020-010

Summer 2020

Spider egg sacs. Summer and Fall 2020.  Alissa Coonfield, UA/Blackedge. (Permit 2020-005)

Swan studies. July 2020.  Laura Graber, Ohio DNR (Permit 2020-006)

Spring 2020

Textile Biodeterioration: Postmortem Interval Estimation and Stable Isotope Analysis of Soils for Locating Clandestine Graves Spring 2020-Winter 2021. Randi Depp (Permit 2020-002)

Tamarack seed / Heritage Trees. Spring 2020-Winter 2021. Chris Chaney (Permit 2020-003)

Fungal taxonomy Spring 2020.  William Davis, USDA. (permit 2020-004)

Fall 2019

Jewelweed collection. Kevin Ricks, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.  Fall 2019. Permit 2019-007.  Part of a regional survey

How does Using a Drone (UAV) to Sample White-Tailed Deer Compare to other Sampling Methods?.  Stuart Davis, UA Biology MS student. Spring 2020-Spring 2021

Summer 2019

RENEWAL for 2019: Listening to Insects: NE Ohio’s Crickets and Katydids. Lisa Rainsong, Cleveland Institute of Music (Permit 2018-011).   July 30-September 21

Spring 2019

Exploring sources of selection on the multimodal courtship displays of two sister species of wolf spiders. Rowan McGinleyr, University Nebraska-Lincoln (Permit 2019-003). April 29-May 2.

Fall 2018

Snap That! Using Wildlife Camera traps with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Identify, Sort, and Analyze Wildlife Data. Ruth Anand, Homeschool, associated with UAFS. (Permit 2018-017). Sept 10 2018-May 15 2019.

Time lapse video of North Fork of Yellow Creek and Bath Creek streams in the Fall of 2018. John Anand, Homeschool, associated with UAFS (Permit 2018-018).  Sept 10 2018-May 15 2019.

Water quality of North Fork of Yellow Creek and Bath Creek streams in the Fall of 2018. David Anand, Homeschool, associated with UAFS (Permit 2018-020). Sept 10 2018-May 15 2019.

Summer 2018

Listening to Insects: NE Ohio’s Crickets and Katydids. Lisa Rainsong, Cleveland Institute of Music (Permit 2018-011).   July 30-September 21

The effect of Apocynum cannabinum density on pollinator visitation rate. Andrea Kornbluh, UA Biology (Permit 2018-010).     June 30 2018 – September 1, 2019

Renewal: Plant-Pollinator interactions at the Bath Nature Preserve. Randy Mitchell. Renewal of, updating the end date to Summer 2020, and adding Panzner Wetland Wildlife Preserve to the list of areas for study.

Pollination Ecology and the Evolution of Selfing in Monkeyflower, Mimulus ringens. Randy Mitchell, UA Biology. (Permit 2018-009).  June 2018-Oct 2021.

Spring 2018

Consumptive and nonconsumptive effects of central mudminnows and Jefferson salamanders on spotted salamander larvae. Scott Thomas, UA Biology (Permit 2018-007).  4/15/2018-09/01/2018.

Exploring sources of selection on the multimodal courtship displays of two sister species of wolf spiders.  Rowan McGinley & Todd Blackledge. UA Biology.  Permit 2018-006).  3/30/18-04/02/18

Wasps that catch spiders.  Max Headlee, UA Biology.  (Permit 2018-005).  April 15, 2018 – October 31, 2018

Archaeology of the Garden bowl Eric Olson    Stewards of Historical Preservation/Department of Anthropology. (Permit 2018-002).  Summer Session (May and June) 2018

Crickets.  Citizen Science Dr. Thomas J. Walker, University of Florida-Gainesville.  (Permit 2018-001).  Sep 7-9, 2018

Summer 2017

Leaf Hyadothodes (Ashley Augustsynovich, UA Biology Student (with Gruber); Permit 2017-012.

Bellflower pollination project (Dr. Jennifer Ison, College of Wooster; Permit 2017-011). Summer 2017.

Archaeological investigation on Roundtop (Eric Olson, Historic Akron and UA Anthropology; Permit 2017-016). Summer 2018

Spring 2017

Art installations at BNP (Markus Vogel, UA Art; Permit 2017-007). May-October 2017.

 Fall 2017

Amphibian Marsh Monitoring Program (Noel Novicky, Ohio Wetlands Association; Permit 2017-002).  2017.

Reconnaissance- Expanded Hydrilla Detection and Control in Ohio’s Lake Erie Basin  (Mark Warman, Cleveland MetroParks; Permit 2017-004).  July-August 2017, 2018
 Fall 2016

UAV mapping (Donnelly (Geosciences); Permit 2016-012). Fall 2016

Energy Damping Properties of Micrathena Bridging Thread (Han (Blackledge advisor; Permit 2016-016).   Aug – Dec 2016

Summer 2016

Cricket and Katydid Survey (Lisa Rainsong (Cleveland Institute of Music); Permit 2016-011). Summer and Fall 2016

Demography of American Columbo at BNP. (Mitchell; Permit 2016-010). June 2016-June 2020

Spring 2016

Maples in Fern Swamp (Thompson (Mitchell advisor); Permit 2016-003)  Spring and Summer 2016

The Evolution of Complex Courtship Displays in Wolf Spiders (J. Andrew Roberts (OSU); Permit 2016-002. 4/1/2016- 6/30/2017

Tracing the Origins of Branched GDGTs: Towards the Development of GDGT-based Paleothermometers (Dervla Kumar (Univ. Pittsburgh); Permit 2016-001).  Spring-Summer 2016

Fall 2015

Maple sapling growth (Field Ecology class project. (Ford; permit 2015-014). Fall 2015.

Algae collection for research.  (Eagle-Malone; Permit 2015-013). Fall 2015

Evaluation of invading Maple tree stumps in the BNP tamarack bog.  Gillespie & King (Mitchell supervisor; Permit 2015-010).  Fall 2015-Spring 2016.

Summer 2015

Natural Selection on Growth and Locomotor Development in Eastern Cottontail Rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus).  (Smith; Permit 2015-004).  July-December 2015

Mapping Vegetation using small UAVs (Donnelly; Permit 2015-003). Summer/Fall 2015

Biomechanics of spider silks. (Blackledge; Permit 2015-002).  Summer 2015

Fall 2014

Summer 2014

Spring 2014

Summer 2013

Summer 2012

Summer 2012

Fall 2011

Summer 2011

  • Aquatic/Wetland Field Research Facility. Permit 2011-003. A mesocosm facility will be established adjacent to the Martin Center for Field Studies where 24X 1 cubic meter constructed wetlands will be subjected to simulated climate change. Heath Garris (Mitchell Advisor). 2011 through 2013.
  • Heritability of Floral Traits in Mimulus ringens. Permit 2011-006. Potted plants at the Martin center. Mitchell. Summer 2011.
  • Insect Prey of Spiders. Permit 2011-007. Traps will be used to evaluate the size distribution of Insects available to spiders. Kettleen Esperance (Blackledge advisor). Summer 2011
  • Moving water (Rain garden Design). Permit 2011-008. Testing materials that can be used to slow erosion and run-off during rain events and plants that can be used to hold soil and water onsite for percolation into the groundwater.  Dr. Jean Marie Hartman (Rutgers University & Synapse/UA art). May 2011-December 2012.
  • Diversity of Chytrid fungi in wetland habitats. (Davis, Univ. Alabama) Permit 2011-012. Survey of wetland fungi. Summer 2011

Summer 2010

  • Wet meadow community response to an altered climate. Permit 2010-009. Uses Open Top Chambers (7’x7′ x 2′ high) in Garden Bowl to locally increase temperature to determine how climate change may affect wetlands and wetland restoration. Heath Garris (Mitchell Advisor). 2010 through 2013.
  • Biochemical markers in fish as indicators of ecosystem health. Permit 2010-010. Sample fish to evaluate differences in enzyme function as a function of habitat. Alysha Cypher (Londraville Advisor). Summer 2010.
  • Algal studies Permit 2010-012. Sample algae from BNP and Panzner wetlands. Alexandria Kemper-Taylor (Ott advisor). Summer 2010.
  • Understanding geographic variation in sex ratio in gynodioecious Lobelia siphilitica. Permit 2010-013. Sample seeds and plant some transplants of Blue Lobelia. Dr. Andrea Case, KSU. Summer & Fall 2010.
  • Responses of native plants to invasive Garlic Mustard. Permit 2010-014. Transplant study of native plants in an area with Garlic Mustard. Dr. Richard Lankau, Illinois Natural History Survey. Summer 2010-Fall 2011.

Spring 2010

  • Salamander mate choice. Permit 2010-001. Collect salamanders on preserve and steiner woods for lab mating trials. Part of Problem Solving in Integrated Bioscience 3100:703, Alisha Calabrese (Niewiarowski Instructor). Spring 2010 (extension from original end date granted – through Fall 2010).
  • Climate Change pilot study. Permit 2010-002. Construct small (~1m3) open-topped greenhouse structures near Field Station Building to alter local climate in preparation for studies on Bath Creek and in Garden Bowl. Heath Garris (Mitchell mentor). Spring through Fall 2010
  • Courtship displays in wolf spiders. Permit 2010-003. Collect two species of co-occurring wolf spiders, Schizocosa bilineata and Schizocosa crassipalpata on the  preserve and Steiner woods for lab mating trials. . Mitch Bern (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and Todd Blackledge (UA). Spring-Fall 2010
  • Wetland Flora in a Changing Climate. Permit 2010-004. Evaluate different restoration approaches in 1.5×1.5m plots on Bath Creek. Open-topped chambers (~1m3) will also be used to simulate a warming climate. Heath Garris (Mitchell Mentor). April, 2010- October 2012
  • Biomechanics of inchworm caterpillar silk. Permit 2010-006. Collect Geometrid Moth caterpillars for study of their silk. Todd Blackledge. May 2010-2012.

Fall 2009

  • Wetland Study. Permit 2009-0014. Studying wetlands to describe and delineate, taking a biotic survey, collecting plant specimens, and writing an assessment of the area which will include a function versus value comparison.  Tamarack Bog and Steiner’s Woods. Thomas and McLean, KSU Biology Fall 2009.

Summer 2009

  • Spider web biomechanics during prey impact Permit 2009-004. High speed video will be used to examine how spider webs deform under prey impact. Blackledge. 5/09 through 12/10

Spring 2009

  • Signal divergence in two closely related species of wolf spider. Permit 2009-0001. Collect samples of of two species of wolf spiders, Schizocosa bilineata and Schizocosa crassipalpata, during dusk and early night time hours from the Bath Nature Preserve. Mitch Bern, MS Student from University of Nebraska Lincoln, collaborating with Blackledge. 3/12/09-7/31/09
  • Bee Traplines. Permit 2009-002. Mark and follow bees visiting marked plants at Bath Nature Preserve and Panzner Wetlands. Mitchell. 5/2009-10/2011.
  • Moth Biodiversity. Permit 2009-0003. Survey of moth (Lepidoptera) and associated floral community distributions within the riparian corridors of Bath Nature Preserve. Heath Garris, UA PhD student working with Mitchell 5/2009-10/2012.

Spring 2008

  • Bird Nest Boxes. Permit 2008-006. Erect 50 or more nest boxes along roads and trails to evaluate box occupancy and reproductive success. Preparation for potential long-term study of bluebirds and swallows. Shawkey
  • Continuous Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring. Permit 2008-007. Monitor stream health from four datalogging stations. Data will be posted to website in near real-time. Hopkins
  • Chemical mediation of prey preferences by spider-hunting wasps. Permit 2008-008. Predatory wasps may choose which spiders to catch partly based on chemical cues. To investigate this, will collect spiders at BNP for chemical testing in the lab. UmaDivya Bellur (Georgetown University graduate student sponsored by Blackledge).

Fall 2007

  • Lichen Survey. Permit 2007-024. (Renewed Summer 2009 through 2010). Investigation of the environmental impact of Akron’s rubber industry, using BNP as a reference site for comparison to areas downwind of the factories. William Davis (undergraduate; Pan sponsor)
  • Control of Buckthorn in the Tamarack Bog. Permit 2007-025. Mark Purdy (Audubon Society; Mitchell sponsor and collaborator. Renewed 2011 (2007-

Summer 2007

  • Effects of orb weaving spiders on plant-pollinator interactions. Permit 2007-011. This project tests the hypothesis that spiders can influence plant-pollinator interactions by altering the visitation of pollinators such as bees to flowers. We will measure the numbers of pollinators visiting flowers as well as pollen removal and deposition at three sets of flowers. A spider on a web will be placed next to one treatment, an empty web next to a second treatment, and an empty frame (used to support webs) next to the third control treatment. Summer 2007 through Summer 2008.  Dr. Todd Blackledge and Graduate Student Andrew Wu.
  • Environmental Impact of Akron’s Rubber Industry. Permit 2007-013. Identify and collect small samples of lichen species growing on old (>50 years) maple, oak, and hickory trees to determine age, abundance, and composition of the lichen communities on selected trees. Results will be compared to those from Quail Hollow State Park. William Davis (UA undergraduate, J. Pan and R. Mitchell supervisors). Summer and Fall 2007.
  • Meadow Voles. Permit 2007-014. Capture up to 40 meadow voles to establish a Meadow Vole Breeding Colony at the University of Akron.. Dr. Bruce Cushing.   Summer 2007
  • Pollination studies. Permit 2007-015. Extension of unnumbered permit from Summer 2004 (see below). Through 2010.
  • Butterfly Survey, Permit 2007-018. Photography, observation, and collection of butterflies on the Bath Nature Preserve.  Aug. – Nov 2007. Siebert and Phillips (Mitchell sponsor)

Spring 2007

  • Aquatic Field Research Facility. Permit 2007-001. Improve and expand and improve safety for existing array of aquatic research tanks near the Martin Field Center. These tanks will provide researchers the ability to experimentally control environmental factors that may influence the physiology or ecology of local species. This will allow those researchers to test for the influence of anthropogenic or natural changes in the environment on the success of many local aquatic species. 2007. Dr. FBG Moore.
  • Developmental and mortality effects of copper and light exposure in the Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica). Toxicology of temporary ponds is a major factor in amphibian conservation.  Ponds provide essential habitat in which amphibians congregate in the spring to mate.  Although resultant embryos remain in the pond surrounded by a protective gelatinous membrane, they are still vulnerable to any toxins in the pond. Disturbance of natural habitats also often leads to a decrease in vegetation surrounding ponds. This disruption allows more sunlight to reach the surface of breeding ponds.  An increase in sunlight combined with nutrient-rich aquatic environments is favorable for the growth of algae.  A commonly used algaecide to address this problem in ponds is copper sulfate. The toxicity of this algaecide may be influenced by the level of solar radiation is present.  A number of studies have revealed correlations between delayed development and mortality in embryos and hatchlings with metals, and ultraviolet radiation. However, research is lacking in ponds with levels of pH as high as those generally found in northeastern Ohio.  Furthermore, interaction between the effects of metals and harmful ultraviolet (UV-B, 280-315 nm) radiation found in direct sunlight may exacerbate the effects of each individual factor.  Colleen Sharp supervised by Dr. Moore. Permit 2007-008. March-May 2007. CONTINUING
  • Ostracode survey. Monthly sampling in Bath and Garden ponds for small freshwater crustaceans. Will also take sediment cores of these ponds to allow analysis of past abundance.  Dr. Lisa Park (Geology, UA). Permit 2007-009. April -October 2007.CONTINUING

Summer 2006

  • Does Plasticity in the Web Building Behavior of the Western Black Widow Spider Latrodectus hesperus, Affect Foraging and Defense? This project will test the hypothesis that spiders control the shapes of their webs to maximize foraging or defense based upon changes in their environment. Black widow spiders spin two different types of webs when they are fed or fasted. We will test how well these different webs protect the spiders from a common predator of spiders, mud-dauber wasps. For this experiment, at the Martin Field Center spiders will be placed in outdoor screen tents  that contain predatory mud-dauber wasps and we will observe and videotape their predatory interactions. Jacquelyn Zevenbergen (with Dr. Todd Blackledge) Permit 2006-006. June-Sept. 2006. CONTINUING
  • Age-related changes in the web-spinning behaviors of a common cobweb spider. The Common House Spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, spins large three-dimensional cobwebs in protected areas around basements, garages, outbuildings, and overhanging cliff faces. As the spiders mature, their webs can increase greatly in size but these changes have never been studied. We study how the size and shapes of webs, as well as the structural properties of the silk used to spin those webs, varies as a function of the age of spiders. Research will be at the Martin Field Station Building. Dr. T. Blackledge, Permit 2006-009. Summer 2006-2007. CONTINUING

Fall 2005  

  • Ecological effects of hypoxia. Water with a low oxygen content may impair the ability of fish to swim, avoid predators, obtain food, and reproduce. We will raise fish to juvenile stage in the laboratory under low oxygen and normal conditions, thentransfer them to 100 gallon tanks at the Martin Field center to determine how hypoxia as juveniles affects performance of adult zebrafish in mesocosms in the field.  Misty Ayers supervised by Dr. B. Bagatto. Permit 2005-012. Fall 2005-August 2006.COMPLETED. Thesis on file.

   Summer 2005

  • Spider Fauna of Bath Nature Preserve. University of Akron is hosting the  Annual Meeting of the American Arachnological Society, and will visit the Preserve to collect, study, and inventory the spiders there.  Dr. Todd Blackledge  Permit 2005-005.  June 30 2005.  Completed
  • Exploration of silk production by spiders. A single spider may produce as many as seven distinct types of silk, some which are as strong as steel while others are as stretchy as rubber. I am currently conducting studies to characterize the mechanical properties of the silks spun by a diversity of spiders to better understand the evolution of this biological super-material. Dr. Todd Blackledge Permit 2005-004. Summer 2005-2007. CONTINUING
  • Does web architecture affect prey capture by spiders? To better understand how the shapes of webs affect what types of insects are captured by spiders, we will manipulate various aspects of the shapes of the webs, such as size and spacing of silk threads, and then observing the effects of those changes on the numbers and types of insects that spiders capture. Dr. Todd Blackledge Permit 2005-003. Summer 2005-2006. CONTINUING

Fall 2004

  • Bluegill parasites. Evaluate the number of external parasites on bluegill from Garden Pond (catch and release). C Komar, UA Biology (with Dr. Londraville). Fall 2004. CONTINUING

Summer 2004

  • Protists and bacteria in North Fork. Collect water samples to determine protist species and E. coli concentrations in the stream during storm events and during non-storm events. (Julie Niesit, Graduate student, UA biology, Supervised by Dr. Moore). June 2004-June 2006. CONTINUING
  • Plant pollinator interactions. Observe, record, and sample insects visiting flowers throughout the preserve. Dr. RJ Mitchell, UA Biology. Spring 2004-Spring 2006-2010. CONTINUING through a renewal permit (2007-015 – see above).

Spring 2004

  • The effects of parasitism on protein expression in bluegill sunfish. I will collect snails, Physa sp., from Garden Pond.  Snails are the intermediate host for the parasite, Posthodiplostomum minimum, which infects the bluegill in Garden Pond. Sarah Edmonds (Londraville student). May 2004-May 2007. Amendment approved July 2004 (to allow collection in North Fork) . CONTINUING
  • Color polymorphism in Red-back Salamanders. Will search for and census salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) in and near Steiner woods. Erin Petruzzi, Dr. Niewiarowski, Dr. Moore. May 2004-October 2004  COMPLETED – Thesis on file at UA.
  • Effects of Herbivory and Granivory on the Seed Pool in a Wet Meadow. Will present 15 different types of seed in petri dishes in the open, in drainpipes, and on poles,  to determine which seeds are eaten by voles, birds, and other granivores. Coordinated with other work (see Spring 2002 permits). Erin Madson (Fraser student). June 2004. COMPLETED – thesis on file at UA

Fall 2003

  • Determination of Parasite Load in Bluegill Population at Garden Pond. Determine parasite load of a sample of bluegill sunfish from Garden pond.  Mahdee Sobhanie, Dr. Londraville, Summer/Fall 2003 COMPLETED. Results on File with Londraville

Spring  2003

  • Evaluation of effect of parasites on protein expression in bluegill sunfish. Comparing parasitized bluegill to non-parasitized bluegill to evaluate whether there is an effect on protein expression (how many and how much is being made in various tissues).  Sarah Lloyd; Dr. Londraville advisor. May 2003-April 2004. Request for extension through October 2004, which was approved 5/2004.  COMPLETED. Thesis on file at UA. 
  • Cuyahoga River Watershed Water Quality Monitoring. Collect water quality baseline data on the Yellow Creek that can contribute to a much larger data collection effort in the Cuyahoga River watershed.  This year would be a pilot for this project that connects high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. Oberst (Education). One time use –  May 19 2003
  • Terrestrial Habitat Use by Radio-Implanted Spotted Salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum). As in title, mostly near Steiner woods. Ashley Nussbaum; Dr. Niewiarowski advisor). May 2003-October 2003. Request for extension through October 2004 approved 5/2004. COMPLETED – thesis on file at UA

Fall 2002

  • Fine-scale spatial substructure and dispersal of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum).  Determine  movement/dispersal of spotted salamanders between ponds located within 10 km of Windhover Pond (Steiner Woods) using microsatellite DNA markers to determine genetic differentiation among populations. J Purrenhage; Dr. P. Niewiarowski advisor. 3 years (7/2002-1/2005). COMPLETED. Thesis on file at UA.
  • Bog Studies. Investigation of the hydrology and the vegetation of the tamarack bog at the Bath Nature Preserve. Cameron Carlyle; Dr. L Fraser Advisor. Begin 2002.  Ongoing monitoring. CONTINUING
  • Bluebird nesting. Effects of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) on Nest-box Selection and Nesting Success of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis). Kristin Napper; Dr. R. Mitchell advisor. 2 years (March – July of 2003 & 2004). COMPLETED. Thesis on file at UA
  • Soil development under Forest and Grassland Vegetation. Soil profiles will be described and sampled in several forest and grassland sites. Also monitor chemical composition of the water moving through the soil. (Dr. L Barrett, Geography and Planning. Oct 2002-Oct 2006). CONTINUING
  • Detailed Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Content Using Topographic and Electrical Resistance Survey. These techniques will help to better describe the soils of the upland areas of the preserve (Dr. L Barrett, Geography and Planning. October 2002 to July 2004). CONTINUING

Spring 2002

  • Energy Flow through Grassland Ecosystems and the Importance of Detritivores for Trophic Dynamics. (Dr. L. Fraser, B. Patrick, Dr. R. Mitchell, Dr. J. Pan, Dr. G. Smith). 2001-2005. Renewal through 2010 by permit 2006-013 and through 2018 by permit 2012-004). We are monitoring plants, insects, small mammals, and birds. These plots are in Grandview alley, marked by tall stakes. There will occasionally be some large boxes used for insect collection at these sites. CONTINUING
  • Algal survey of the Bath Nature Preserve. (Dr. D. Ott). 2002-2007.  A systematic algal survey of the various lakes, ponds, streams and ditches at BNP. CONTINUING
  • Effects of mammalian granivores and herbivores on seedling establishment and plant community composition in a wet meadow. (E. Madson; Dr. L. Fraser advisor). 2002-2004. In the Polo Field, uses 3′ square cages to test for effects of mice and voles on plants. COMPLETED. Thesis on file at UA. .
  • Vegetation map. GPS and GIS mapping of vegetation types on the preserve. (D. Hood; Dr. R Mitchell as contact). Spring 2002. COMPLETED- results on file at UA.
  • Stake and Eggs — Does marking a nest location with a stake attract attention that might jeopardize the success of the nest? (D. Bollen (undergrad), Dr. S. Orcutt advisor). Spring 2002. COMPLETED – results on file at UA.
  • Effects of Population Size and Density on Pollinator Visitation and Plant Reproductive Success in Lupine (Lupinus Perennis).   (S. Miller; Dr. R. Mitchell advisor). Spring and Summer 2002. During May-June 2002 potted plants will be placed in grasslands across the preserve, then removed. COMPLETED- results now being analyzed (Sept 2002).
  • Fatty acid metabolism in Bath Nature Preserve fishes. (M. Sobhanee (undergraduate), Dr. R.Londraville advisor). Spring 2002. One time collecting permit.
  • Effect of Plant Density on Pollen Deposition and Pollen Tube Numbers in Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum; Liliaceae) (S. Miller, Dr. R. Mitchell advisor). Spring 2002. Collect some flowers across the preserve in spring. COMPLETED – results on file at UA..
  • The Seasonal Efficiency of Wetland Plant Communities in a Northern Climate (C Picard, Dr. L. Fraser Advisor). 2002-2003  Uses the large tent near Garden Pond (the “big top”) for study of wetland ecology in small artificial wetlands (tubs).COMPLETED. Thesis on file at UA (2004)
  • The influence of invasive species, Phalaris arundinacea, on different wetland communities Uses the large tent near Garden Pond (the “big top”) for study of wetland ecology in small artificial wetlands (tubs). (T. Miletti, Dr. L. Fraser Advisor). 2002-2003. COMPLETED. Thesis on file at UA (2004).
  • An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Four Wetland Plant Species Uses the large tent near Garden Pond (the “big top”) for study of wetland ecology in small artificial wetlands (tubs). (S. Carty, Dr. L. Fraser Advisor); FIELD WORK COMPLETED 2001. Thesis on file at UA (2002).

Reconnaissance Permits

Photography at BNP – especially butterflies. (Alice Phillips). Permit 2007-010. 2007

Metro Parks Photography Club (Alice Phillips, Trudy Beal, Doug Caesar, Phyllis Devlin Margy Siebert; Sponsored by R. Mitchell). Several members of the Metro Parks Photography Club will be taking photos at the Bath Nature Preserve May-October 2005.

Dr. L. Barrett, Geography and Planning (soils and GIS) – 2002

Dr. R Londraville, Biology (Fish of North Fork) – 2002


Breeding Bird Survey.  1999-present. John Shaffer and Ed Pierce (Bath Residents).

Butterfly survey. 2000-present.  Margy Siebert and Alice Phillips (UA alumni).

Bird Census. 2001-present. Greater Akron Audubon Society.


Completed projects

o    Breeding Bird Survey 2000, 2001. John Shaffer and Ed Pierce (Bath Residents). Report available for 2000

o    Butterfly Survey, 2000, 2001. Margy Siebert and Alice Phillips (UA alumni). Report available for 2000

o    Survey of the bees in the region, with a focus on an invasive bee species; Miller, Gaeble, Mitchell, Arduser. Manuscript submitted to the journal “Great Lakes Entomologist” April 2002

o    Bird Nesting Boxes (wood duck, bluebird). Ongoing, begun 2002. Douglas Rab, Eagle Scout Candidate. Report on file at UA.

o    Archaeological survey for the multi-purpose trail at the Bath Nature Preserve, Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio. Linda Whitman, Janai Tegland (UA Archaeology) July 2002. Report on file at UA

For any questions about these projects,  please contact:

Dr. Randy Mitchell: 330-972-5122, or email at rjm2 at uakron dot edu

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