Students and faculty from The University of Akron and collaborators have identified over 700 species of plants and animals on Bath Nature Preserve with many more yet to be found and listed. Several of these species were rare or threatened.
Species Lists — works in progress!
- Algae
- Fungi
- Vascular Plants
- Invertebrates
- Fish
- Reptiles and Amphibians
- Bird Check-List (prepared by the Greater Akron Audubon Society)
- Mammals
Water Quality Monitoring at Bath Nature Preserve
Dr. Jessica Hopkins recently established a remote stream monitoring system at the Bath Nature Preserve. Four sensors, located in Yellow Creek and Bath Creek, are collecting near real-time data on various stream variables and sending that information to a computer server at the Field Station via radio telemetry. Below, you can see the data as they are collected and updated. To see more, including a site map, click the “All Data” button on the applet. For more information, please contact Dr. Hopkins at 330-972-8115 or hjhopkins@uakron.edu.